Our collaborative paper “Temperature-dependent microstructural evolution in a compositionally complex solid electrolyte: The role of a grain boundary transition” is published in Journal of Advanced Ceramics.
Tim presents an invited talk at Ames National Laboratory.
The talk was titled “Disordering of grain boundaries enables defect-tolerant nanomaterials.”
Esther is selected as a Distinguished Public Impact Fellow.
Esther was chosen by the UC Irvine Graduate Division to receive this award based on the potential to impact local and global communities through her research.
Tim presents an invited talk at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
The talk was titled “Disordering of grain boundaries enables nanomaterials that thrive in extreme environments.”
Dr. Prince Sharma joins the NMML.
Prince will be working on the design of nanocrystalline refractory alloys for fusion energy applications. Welcome!
Tim is selected as a Brimacombe Medalist by TMS.
This award recognizes an individual with sustained excellence and achievement in business, technology, education, public policy, or science related to materials science and engineering with the intent to recognize professionals in the middle portion of their career. Formal presentation of the award will be made at the TMS-AIME Awards Ceremony in Las Vegas, NV during the TMS 2025 Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Ian and Esther present talks at the MS&T Conference in Pittsburgh, PA.
Esther’s talk was titled “Thicker Amorphous Grain Boundary Complexions Lead to Increased Plasticity in Nanocrystalline Cu Alloys” and Ian’s talk was titled “Grain Boundary Segregation-Driven Elemental Patterning Amplifies Chemical Short-Range Order in NiCoCr.”
NMML is selected for a research grant from ARPA-E’s CHADWICK program.
The project is titled Complexion Engineered Nanocrystalline Tungsten Alloy Plasma Facing Materials for Long-Pulse Tokamak Operation, and the collaborative team involves Johns Hopkins University, UCLA, University of Michigan, Stony Brook University, Foundation Alloy, Commonwealth Fusion Systems, and Tokamak Energy.
Our collaborative paper “Influence of non-glide stresses on {10-12} twin boundary migration in magnesium” is published in Computational Materials Science.
Tim presents a talk at the DOE Basic Energy Sciences PI Meeting in Gaithersburg, MD.
The talk was titled “Understanding and Engineering the Damage Tolerance of Amorphous Grain Boundary Complexions.”
Tim presents an invited talk at the 6th International Workshop on Interfaces at Bear Creek.
The talk was titled “High Entropy Grain Boundaries.”
Esther is awarded a Rose Hills Foundation Science & Engineering Fellowship.
This fellowship is intended to recognize and reward the most meritorious graduate students who are pursuing a Ph.D. or Master’s degree in the life or natural sciences, or engineering. Awardees have demonstrated academic excellence and accomplishments, financial need, and leadership qualities consistent with the mission of the Rose Hills Foundation, which is to represent, develop, and support our future leaders. Congrats Esther!
Tim presents an invited talk at the 6th International Workshop on Interfaces at Bear Creek.
The talk was titled “High Entropy Grain Boundaries.”
NMML is officially active at Johns Hopkins University.
Tim returns to his undergraduate alma mater, to serve as a Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and the Director of the Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute (HEMI). His office is 141 Malone Hall, while our research spaces will be split between Malone Hall and Maryland Hall.